Monday, March 30, 2020

Create A Powerpoint Presentation For You


Hello! Are you a university student but it is your first presentation and you don't know how to make it? 

Well, no need to worry as I am here to help you out. 

Not only will I make your presentation on your assigned topic, but I will also add animations and transitions. I will also guide you on how to deliver a powerful presentation. Your classmates will no longer be sleeping during your presentation. Now the whole class will be focused on your presentation.

Who is this gig for?

  • New or inexperienced students who are unfamiliar with writing a presentation.
  • Students that want to learn how to give a powerful presentation.
  • People who are having a hard time getting good grades in their presentations.

What do you need to provide?

  • Topic of your presentation.
  • Details about the topic if you have any.
  • Your name, class name, roll number, university name, university logo or any other material that needs to be included in the title page.

What will I provide?

  • The PPT file which you will then use to deliver the presentation.
  • help you with your presentation In any way I can.

Please contact me before placing your order


: : : : :

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