Saturday, March 28, 2020

Professional White Paper Design And Workbook Design


Have you written a white paper/workbook that is so precious to you, and now, you’re ready to unveil it with the world?


A great white paper/workbook design is an asset. It boosts your credibility, attracts truckloads of sign up to your LEAD MAGNET, converts into sales, and draws lots of new clients and eyes on your product (now who doesn’t want that?)


My Professional WHITE PAPER DESIGN,WORKBOOK will gladden your heart, from great cover and sleek data visualization to unique illustrations and an intuitive layout. The materials we use within the white paper are properly licensed as we have a subscription to stock materials on three different websites.

Design Tool:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe illustrator


  • Final Manuscript
  • Logo
  • Images if Applicable


  • Great PDF output
  • Clean interior layout 
  • Clickable links
  • Professional and friendly Communication
  • Free attractive cover design
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed
  • 100% Money back guaranteed

My services cover Lead magnet, whitepaper layout, workbook, pdf design, cookbook, white paper design, Checklist, among others.

Contact me, i will glad to work on your project!


: : : : :

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